Just My Rambling Thoughts


I'm still here

Just been really busy with work, stuff outside work, and family stuff - lots of "stuff" going on. Most of it's good, some of it a pain (guess where the pain is - and where it's from).

More about all this later...but now it's "Miller Time" - but not really Miller, maybe a Pacifico!


This Just In..

I was really thinking about this yesterday while having that internal discussion about starting to blog and decided that blogging can be informative for the reader, and sort of therapeutic for the writer. It can allow me to "blow off steam" about things - mainly work-related at this point - that are bugging me.

So I'll beg your pardon up front if what you sometimes read is more rant that substance - maybe the rants will make me want to balance them out with something else more useful. I hope so.

And so it begins...

Well, here it is my first post. I'm using this to test out the theory of my usefulness as a 'blogger' so we'll see how it goes. I hope my future posts will be more interesting that this.

I'll be writing on what's going on my life and hopefully you'll find it worth reading about.