Just My Rambling Thoughts


I've moved...

The new blog is up at Domino Thoughts. Come on over and check it out, all the fine content, as well as the "un-fine," from this blog has been moved, minus your comments.

If you're reading this from your RSS feed reader, please update the feed with the new one. I hadn't checked, but Bloglines says I have 8 subscribers. Thanks for subscribing!


Dominoblog 3.0 released

Now that Steve has released the Gold code, I will begin the final steps to move this over to DominoBlog. I knew if I waited long enough it might happen ;-)

Look for some changes here soon is you used the domain http://www.dominothoughts.com and not the blogspot domain.


Smart Upgrade and CCH

After I downloaded the CCH and installed it successfully on my PC, I wanted to create a new Smart Upgrade kit and deploy it to other users. Our server is running 6.5.4 FP2, and I've used Smart Upgrade before for updates, but never a CCH package. I created the package and filled in all the options as I have previously, but when users ran the Smart Upgrade they always were told that there was no update available for their release.

I must have checked the settings a dozen times, refreshed the design of the database, replaced the design of the database, and finally gave up and called support. They had me refresh the smart upgrade cache on the mail server (sucache refresh, in case you're wondering). Finally, Tina at support had me send her a copy of my database and she was able to recreate the issue (hers was working fine). Turns out that in 7.0.1/6.5.6 there's a new setting to say whether the target is 6.5.4/6.0.5 or previous, and also whether the kit is for the Notes client or full client. Getting that new template and applying to the database resolved my issue.

So if you find yourself in my boat, call support and request the new template. Or download 7.0.1 and take it from the install kit.

By the way, to make the smart upgrade install silently, add the optional argument "-noui" in the appropriate field of the Smart Upgrade kit.


Notes 6.5.5 CCH 1 available

This is the hotfix that resolves the high CPU usage of nlnotes.exe. There's also a hotfix for 6.5.4 clients. Check with support on where to download.

7.0.1 included the fixes, so there's no hotfix to be released. Also, there was supposed to be a hotfix for the Sametime server as well, but there's been no mention of that in the message, I'm waiting for an update on that.

As part of the fix, you'll need to add the notes.ini setting to all clients, IM_WATCH_PUBLIC_GROUPS=0 . Use a policy to do this of course, but you'll need to "customize" the desktop policy (see Technote).


BES 4.1 for Domino available now

The new version of Blackberry Enterprise Server, with support for Sametime, is available for download now. I'm doing just that as we speak, along with the docs, and we'll see how it looks. We have two servers here on 4.0 that have been working pretty darn well. I'm excited to see how the new version looks and performs.

Also, need to see what upgrading requires, since both BES serves use the same SQL database.


Blackberry lives on, RIM settles with NTP

Looks like NTP got some money and RIM can keep on plugging away. It'll be interesting to see what impact if any this has, and also whether the "workaround" gets put in place. I've heard and seen comments that they were planning on putting it in place regardless, but this may make that point moot.

Who says blackmail doesn't work. Now it's time to fix the patent system.


Cystic Fibrosis update

Andrew had his checkup last week. The doctors have been concerned that his lung function tests have been dropping over time and thought that he might need to go to hospital to have an IV line put in and start infusion therapy at home. We all, doctors and us, don't understand how his PFT test can be this low with his activity level - he plays soccer every day at school, plays little league and plays school sports (flag football and lacrosse) - and never seems short of breath or coughs. Obviously hospitalization is not something we were thrilled about, so we stepped up his current therapies at home with the intent of him always doing them correctly. Sitting in a kitchen chair while doing nebulizer treatments, instead of relaxing on the couch. Using a noseplug as well to make sure he inhales the meds instead of breathing through the nose, and other things.

Well, it looks like those improvements paid off some. His PFT test came back with a small increase of 4%, so we've avoided his first hospitalization for now. He did however drop 2 pounds since the last visit, so we're looking at making some changes in how he takes his enzymes and moving to Prevacid instead of protonix for now. We think the drop has more to do with his activity level, he's just finished lacrosse season at school, than medical.

Last thing is that the doctor's think he's a good candidate for the hypertonic saline therapy I wrote about earlier. We have to get two different strengths of saline from the CF pharmacy and mix it at home since no one sells the proper strength yet. We'll see if it's covered by the insurance!

One more thing, next week is the Wine Auction and Dinner at Onotria, benefitting the CF Foundation. Andrew's uncle thought this one up and it looks like it's going to be a fun night. Check out the Andrew's Angels site for more info.


Notes 6.5.5 , calendar delegation, and repeating meetings

If you have users who manage another person's calendar, and only their calendar, we've found a problem with Notes 6.5.5 and delegation.

The delegate can no longer create a repeating meeting when then only have access to manage only the calendar. If you increase their ACL rights to author, which of course means they can now send mail on behalf of the person whose calendar they're managing, then repeating entries become available. Stepping back to 6.5.4 is the current workaround if changing the ACL isn't an option.

There is an SPR open for this, GLAS6LVQV4, but there's no KB article yet. We've been told it will be fixed in 6.5.6.