Just My Rambling Thoughts


Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go...

"...I wanna be sedated."

Sorry, couldn't resist a little Ramones thrown in as I started typing the title. Well, 24 hours from now, I'll be sitting in a jam-packed American Airlines 757 hurtling across the country towards Orlando.

Just have to go out at lunch and pick up a few accessories for the trip, and then pack tonight and hopefully get to bed at a decent hour. Gotta get up at 4am tomorrow to get to the airport on time! That ought to help get the jet lag over with quickly!!

I've added my information to the Lotusphere wiki on Ben Poole's site, I'll try and keep it updated once I arrive.

See you in Orlando!!


Out from behind the bushes

Well, it seems that Ed Brill (I'll leave out the link tonight) posted a blog entry about his PubSub rank, and lo and behold if a link to his blog from my entry yesterday wasn't one of the recent links showing on his ranking.

So a hearty welcome to any readers who have clicked on the link wondering what this is. I guess my cover's blown now. Hopefully, you'll find a reason to come back and check in once in a while!

That's one way to get your blog noticed, I guess. The other way is to post a comment in Ed's blog entry about Spaces. ;-)


MSN Spaces - another spam bucket

I'm watching with mild curiousity the small fire between Ed Brill's blog and the blog...er, "space"...of Jim Bernardo. It all started with Ed calling BillG on the carpet for his claim of 1 million users of MSN Spaces. While going to check out Jim's blog/space entry I noted the roll of "Updated Spaces" and noticed that about half the list I was looking at was very reminiscent of SPAM. Leave it to M$ to find a way to create SPAM Blogs. At least no one is forced to read them!

No wonder they've hit 1 million so quick. I'm sure that Spaces will be held in the same high esteem that Hotmail is.


Steal this database!

OK, it's already free so there really isn't anything to steal, but if you're going to Lotusphere you need this database. Kindly created, once again, by rich text guru Ben Langinrichs with input from others, this is information you need prior to arriving in Orlando.

All the sessions are there for your perusal, compared with other sessions going on. Add sessions to your calendar (in the right time zone!), and set interest levels per session for later decision making.

10 days until Lotusphere!

Its now only 10 days until Lotusphere starts with the Sunday Jumpstarts. And only 9 til I hop on a plane for Orlando.

I, along with many others, are really looking forward to this year. There just seems to be a buzz in the air unlike previous years. The new and upcoming products, the reiterated support for Notes and Domino, the ever increasing amount of great stuff coming from OpenNTF. It seems that the last week or so has seen an increase in the excitement of Domino as Lotusphere gets closer, let's hope the excitement continues to build after the keynote.

I can't wait to stand in line for my gallon of Kool-Aid!

It's getting closer!

Notes/Domino 7 Beta 3 is almost ready. Judging by the re-worked page on the Lotus site, we might see it later today (please!) or tomorrow.

So far, I've been very pleased and excited about what the beta 2 has, and can't wait to see what's new in beta 3.

Is this a great time of year, or what?!


This might get me to buy a Mac

I've been thinking about it for quite some time, but this might get me to pull the trigger.

It looks like a good machine for the kids to roam, as well as giving me a place to 'kick the tires' of a Mac. Of course it will need to be upgraded! ;-) Now when is that tax refund coming??

Here's the 'official' Apple information


I'm alive, really I am

I've been kind of busy the last few weeks of December. First the usual holiday stuff - the kids' school had a Christmas production that was very nice - really well done. Of course, the shopping and Christmas preparations. Putting up the lights and decorations took time over 2 weekends to get done - it's not that we put out a lot, it's just we've been that busy.

Finally, in between all that, I was working on an article for THE VIEW. Converting a presentation I did at the ADMIN2004 conference. I spent about 30 hours over a couple of weeks on the first draft, and probably another 15 or so working with the editor on all the revisions, fixing and moving text, getting graphics, clarifying stuff. It's finally done, and looks like it will be in the Jan/Feb issue.

Aside from that, I'm trying to get started working on presentations for this year's ADMIN2005 conference - more on those later.


Happy New Year

Happy New Year and a belated Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Festivus! Maybe I'll get more in the blogging rhythm this year!