Just My Rambling Thoughts


Checking for SPAM with charset=windows-1251 and Earthlink

We added a block in our filtering software to block anything with the Cyrillic charset Windows-1251 recently. It's been working well, catching a few hundred spam messages since being started. However, we've also caught valid email sent by Earthlink customers using Earthlink's mail client.

I've added them, for now, into our allowed domains list. Also, I've sent an email to Earthlink support telling them that they need to fix their problem - we'll see how far this goes.

I'll keep you posted...


Blackberry Enterprise Server 4 Released... almost

First I got a notice that BES 4 for Domino was released. Looking over the new features, I can't wait to get it downloaded and start testing. Everything over the air, no need for Desktop manager! I'm waiting to test it and see what's reality in the new version. That would have been good today with a user problem we had.

But then the other shoe drops. I get an email from Blackberry last night:

Dear BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Lotus Domino user

You may experience an issue when you upgrade to BlackBerry Enterprise Server version 4.0 for Lotus Domino.
Please read the knowledge base article found at the following link to learn more.

Link to technote

For more information or assistance please contact your BlackBerry support provider.

Thank you
Software Releases
Research In Motion Limited

Well, that really put the fire out - well, that and the fact I need a place to test it, but that's easy. At least I can install on the test box without getting the license error.


New Blackberry

I just (two weeks ago) got a new Blackberry, the 7100t from TMobile. Its actually a pretty nice gadget. I was concerned about the keyboard and typing, but the SureType functionality is actually very good and easy to get used to. The biggest issue I'm having is that outside the screen is not easily readable. Indoors, its great, and luckily I'm not in need of having to read it outside very much.

The other issue is that two days in a row, I stopped getting messages forwarded to it. Out of the blue, with no reason. Once was in the morning after trying to send a PIN message to a user, the next was the next day in the middle of the night. I got an email at around 12am but one sent a 1am didn't get through. It finally got fixed yesterday and everything since has been fine, but it's a little disconcerting as we just switched to TMobile. One thing we do like so far is ordering, compared to our previous carrier, ordering is very easy, especially when needing to order units in different area codes. I'll keep you updated on how it goes.